Print Preferences Setup for Mailchimp in the Integration Hub

Print Preferences Setup for Mailchimp in the Integration Hub

In Print Preferences document the E-mail via HUB and Send E-mail To all Business Partners fields are available to send E-mail automatically through Mailchimp when document is added.

To open the Print Preferences window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration --> System Initialization --> Print Preferences

Default E-mail Gateway

To  configure Default E-mail Gateway as Mailchimp on the Print Preferences window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration--> System Initialization--> Print Preferences--> General


E-mail via HUB

To configure E-mail via HUB on the Print Preferences window, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose AdministrationSystem Initialization --> Print Preferences --> Per Document


The Print Preferences window contains the following new fields:

Field Name


E-mail via HUB 

Select this check box to send automatic E-mail notification to the business partners contact person mentioned in the marketing documents, while adding the document.

Send E-mail to all Business Partners 

If the Emil via HUB check box is selected, then application checks the Send E-mail to all Business partners check box. If this check box is selected, then application does not perform other checks and send the E-mail automatically to the contact person used in the document.

Next Step: Send Message Setup for Mailchimp in the Integration Hub