The Delete Keymapping function has been introduced to facilitate the removal of existing corrupt key mapping data within the system. This feature allows users to efficiently manage their key mappings by selectively deleting mappings that are no longer needed or are causing operational issues. Using this function, users can ensure that their key mapping configurations are kept accurate and up to date, optimizing system performance and enhancing overall efficiency. This capability is particularly useful in maintaining accurate data mappings and supporting seamless operational workflows across the organization.
To open the Delete Keymapping, perform the following:
1. In the Administration Console, choose the Preference option in the top menu bar. In the left frame, choose the Delete Keymapping.
2. The Delete Key Mapping page is displayed.
3. In the SLD Category field, select the SLD category for the key mapping you wish to delete.
4. In the next Object Name field, choose the specific object for which you want to delete the key mapping or select "All" to delete key mappings for all objects.
5. Click the Delete button to delete the key-mapping data for the selected object(s).
· Please note that after successful deletion, Any ongoing integration may give errors. Therefore, it is recommended to complete the key-mapping process again and retry any related failed transactions.
· It is recommended to ensure that no intercompany transaction is pending for integration before deleting the key mapping data.
· It is also recommended to take the Landscape database backup before performing the delete keymapping function.