E-mail Notification for E-mail Type Campaigns in Mailchimp in the Integration Hu

E-mail Notification for E-mail Type Campaigns in Mailchimp in the Integration Hu

The application allows to send the bulk E-mail notification through E-mail type campaigns using Mailchimp E-mail API. 

The target recipients are defined in the Campaign Generation Wizard and the E-mail is sent to the target recipients.

To create E-mail notification through E-mail Type Campaigns, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a campaign using Campaign Generation Wizard and select the options on the screen. 
  2. Select the Send E-Mail Using SAP Business One Mail option and choose the Next button, the Send Message window opens. 
  3. In order to send E-mail, choose the Send via HUB button available on Send Message window that triggers the Mailchimp E-mail API to send the E-mail. 
  4. On choosing the Send via HUB button, the application displays the “operation completed successfully” message.

Next Step: E-mail Template for Marketing Documents in Mailchimp in the Integration Hub

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