Installing the Integration Solutions Add-on

Installing the Integration Solutions Add-on

Installing the Integration Solutions Add-On for SAP Business One

If you are integrating to SAP Software other that SAP Business One, then do not install the Integration Solutions add-on.

Install the Integration Solutions Add-On on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

If you are using the 32-bit version of the SAP Business One client, you can install and run only the 32-bit version of the Integration Solutions add-on. If you are using the 64-bit version of the SAP Business One client, you can install and run only the 64-bit version of the Integration Solutions add-on.

Registering the Integration Solutions Add-On

To begin the installation of the Integration Solutions add-on, you need to register the add-on on the SAP Business One server from the SAP Business One client application. After the registration is completed, the Integration Solutions add-on installation package is uploaded to the SAP Business One server. Register the Integration Solutions add-on only once, that is, on each client. You must have superuser authorization in SAP Business One to register the Integration Solutions add-on.

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If you purchased your license from SAP along with your SAP Licenses, ensure that the SAP Business One license file includes the SAP-INTERCOMPANY license component. You must assign the SAP-INTERCOMPANY license component to all SAP Business One users; otherwise; the Integration Solutions add-on will fail to connect. 

To register the Integration Hub, follow this procedure:

  1. In SAP Business One, log on to a company with a user that has superuser authorization. 
  2. In the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → Add-Ons → Add-On Administration
  3. in the Add-On Administration window, choose the Register Add-On button.
  4. Locate and select the add-on registration data file (IntegrationSolutionsAddon.ard) by choosing the (…) (Browse) button next to the Registration Data File field.
            The installation package is automatically populated on selection of the Registration Data File field. If the installation package is not filled automatically, locate and select the add-on             installation package (IntegrationSolutionsAddon.exe) by choosing the (…) (Browse) button. 

  1. To assign the add-on to the current company, select the Assign to Current Company checkbox. This option is selected by default.
  2. Choose the OK button. 
  3. In the Add-On Administration window, the name of the add-on appears in the list of Company-Assigned Add-Ons.

      The add-on installation package is now uploaded to the SAP Business One server. The add-on is now available for all company databases on the server.

Use up-arrow button to move the order of the SAP Integration Solutions add-on up the list of Company-Assigned Add-Ons.

  1. In the Company-Assigned Add-Ons window area, in the Integration Solutions add-on row, click the arrow in the Default Group column and select Automatic from the dropdown list. Select the Active checkbox.
  2. Choose the Update button.
  3. Choose the OK button.
  4. Log off the SAP Business One application.
  5. Log on the SAP Business One application to a company with a user that has superuser authorization.
    1. The Add-on installer wizard launches automatically.

  1. In the Welcome window of the Add-on installer wizard, choose the Next button.

      The Select Installation Folder window is displayed. The Folder field is populated with the default installation path.

  1. To install the add-on to a different path, choose the (…) (Browse) button.
  2. In the Select Installation Folder window, choose the Install button.
  3. In the Installation Complete window, choose the Finish button. 
  4. In the system message window that informs you that SAP Business One will close, choose the OK button.
  5. In SAP Business One, log on to a company with a user that has super user authorization.

The integration solutions add-on database script executes automatically, and its progress is displayed in the SAP Business One status bar. When an installation process or related database modification takes place, providing real-time information about the progress can improve transparency and make it easier to track the process. 

Display progress messages in SAP status bar: Displaying progress messages in the SAP B1 screen's status bar offers users immediate feedback on the installation or database modification process. These messages can inform users about the current status, what steps have been completed, and what is currently being processed. This helps users understand what's happening in real time.

Logging to Intercompany Add-On Log File: Logging the same progress messages into an Intercompany add-on log file serves several purposes.

Firstly, it provides a historical record of the installation process, which can be crucial for auditing and troubleshooting. If any issues arise during or after the installation, this log file can be referenced to identify and resolve problems.

Secondly, it can be used for monitoring and reporting purposes. Administrators and support teams can review these logs to ensure that processes are running smoothly, identify errors, or optimize the installation process.

Overall, the combination of real-time status updates on the SAP B1 screen and detailed log files provides a comprehensive approach to managing the installation and database modification processes in an Intercompany solution, ensuring smooth operations and effective troubleshooting when needed.

 On completion, a system message is displayed informing you that SAP Business One will close after add-on installation.

      19. Choose the Yes button to continue adding user-defined fields. 

       A system message appears informing you that closing SAP Business One will stop all running processes and close all open windows. 
      20. Choose the Yes button to close SAP Business One. 

Assigning the Integration Solutions Add-On to Users

After the Integration Solutions add-on is assigned to a company, the add-on is by default available to all users that have authorization for that company. 

Ensure that the Integration Solutions add-on is assigned to all users of the company.

To assign the Integration Solutions add-on to users, follow this procedure:

  1. In SAP Business One, log on to a company that has Integration Solutions add-on installed with a user that has superuser authorization.
  2. In the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → Add-Ons → Add-On Administration
  3. In the Add-On Administration window, on the User Preferences tab, select a user from the Users list.
  4. From the Add-Ons list, select the Integration Solutions add-on. 
  5. In the Preference field, choose Automatic from the dropdown list.
      The user preference is displayed next to the add-on.
  1. Choose the Update button.

Add-On Installation on SAP Business One Client

Once the Integration Solutions add-on has been registered to a server, the add-on can be installed on the SAP Business One client. To initiate installation on the registered client machine, you need to restart SAP Business One. When the client reconnects to the company database with the assigned add-on, the server automatically downloads the installer. When the Integration Solutions add-on installer wizard appears, follow the steps provided on the screen.

You must complete the Integration Solutions add-on installation wizard steps within the available installation time (shown in the SAP Business One status bar). Otherwise, the system will automatically interrupt the procedure. In that case, you must restart the client to install the add-on again.
If you choose the Cancel button to interrupt the procedure, wait for a system timeout before using the SAP Business One application.

During initialization, if you receive the following system message: “The database structure has been modified. To resume process all open windows will be closed. Continue?”, choose the Yes button to close all windows and proceed with initialization. 

When the initialization is complete, the system displays the following message: “The SAP Add-On Initialization completed successfully”. Choose the OK button to restart the application. If you choose the Cancel button, you must restart SAP Business One manually before you can use the add-on.

The SAP Business One application performs the initialization process only once for each company database.

Ensure that the Integration Solutions add-on log folder has read and write permission. 
Log folder location is as follows:
%PROGRAMDATA%\sap\SAP Business One\Log\SAP Business One\<Username>\Addon\IntegrationSolutions
Where Username is logged in User name. For example - C:\ProgramData\SAP\SAP Business One\Log\SAP Business One\Administrator\Addon\IntegrationSolutions

If you encounter any issues during the installation of the intercompany add-on, the "Addon Error Log" screen will appear with SQL script version and detailed error description. You need to log the support ticket to Walldorf support along with addon error logs.
If you encounter any issues during the installation of the intercompany add-on, the "Reset Add-On Version" button in the Feature Activation screen is available. This button serves a crucial role by facilitating the clearing of the CTX_CONF table, a pivotal step in resolving issues associated with the add-on installation process. 

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