If user chooses,
Both (Intercompany Integration Solution and Integration Hub)
To launch the Administration Console in a Microsoft Windows environment, choose
Start → All Programs → Intercompany and Integration Hub Solutions → Intercompany and Integration Hub Solutions.
Alternatively, enter the following URL in the web browser address bar:
<ServerAddress>: The address of the integration server for SAP Business One where the integration solutions Installer is installed.
XXXX = The port number assigned to the integration server for SAP Business One. The default port assigned to the integration server for SAP Business One is 8080
Intercompany Integration Solution
To launch the Administration Console in a Microsoft Windows environment, choose
Start → All Programs → Intercompany Administration Console → Intercompany Administration Console
Alternatively, enter the following URL in the web browser address bar:
<ServerAddress>: The address of the integration server for SAP Business One where the integration solutions Installer is installed.
XXXX = The port number assigned to the integration server for SAP Business One. The default port assigned to the integration server for SAP Business One is 8080
NoteDo not enter the IP address ( or localhost as the <ServerAddress>.
The URL is case sensitive. Ensure that the capitalization of the URL matches the example above.
For security reasons, you can use HTTPS for the session. On the server side, the communication protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) can be configured. On the client side, the user has the option to switch to the HTTPS protocol.
It’s recommended to use HTTPS.
To use the HTTPS protocol, you must first configure the communication protocol on the server side. See the SAP Business One Administrator's Guide on SAP Help Portal.
At this time, the use of HTTPS is intended only for plain transport-level security purposes.
To use the HTTPS protocol for the Administration Console application, enter the following URL in the web browser address bar and press the enter key on the keyboard.
<ServerAddress> = address of the integration server for SAP Business One on which you installed the Integration Solutions Installer.
Do not enter the IP address or localhost as the <ServerAddress>.
XXXX with the HTTPS port number assigned to the integration server. The default port assigned to the integration server is 8443.
The system generates a self-signed certificate during the installation of the integration components for SAP Business One. When using the HTTPS protocol for the first time, the web browser will display a security warning. SAP recommends allowing the browser to accept this certificate to prevent such warnings in the future.
Alternatively, you can purchase certificates issued by a well-known certification authority.
1. Logon to the Administration Console