Maintaining the Distribution Model in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub

Maintaining the Distribution Model in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub

When you model the message flow, you specify the applications that communicate with each other in an ALE business process. A message flow defines the sending and receiving systems and the message type. Sending and receiving systems are logical systems and must be defined in the SAP ECC. Define the message flow in the distribution model.

To model a message flow using IDocs or BAPIs, specify a model view in the distribution model. In the model view, add the respective message type.

To model the communication between SAP Integration Framework 2.0 and SAP ECC for the OE.HUB.SubsidiaryIntegration package, define the following entries in the distribution model:

    1. The ORDERS message type defines the inbound sales order from SAP Integration Framework 2.0 (sending system) to SAP ECC (receiving system).
    2. The ORDRSP message type defines the outbound order update from SAP ECC (sending system) to SAP Integration Framework 2.0 (receiving system).
    3. The DESADV message type defines the outbound shipping notification from SAP ECC (sending system) to SAP Integration Framework 2.0 (receiving system).
    4. The INVOIC message type defines the outbound A/R invoice from SAP ECC (sending system) to SAP Integration Framework 2.0 (receiving system).


    1. You have set up the logical systems for your sender and receiver systems. 
    2. You have set up the RFC connection to your SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server. 
    3. The model view names in the entire distributed environment of the organization are unique.

For more information about setting up your technical system landscape, refer the Setting Up the System Landscape for SAP ECC Knowledge article.


  1. From the IMG menu, choose SAP NetWeaver  Application Server  IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Modeling and Implementing Business Processes  Maintain Distribution Model and Distribute Views.

Alternatively, call the BD64 transaction.

  1. Change to Edit mode and choose Create Model View.
  2. In the Create Model View window, enter the following:

Field Name

Field Value


Short Text

<Distribution model name> 

Example: IC-SfLS/SfCS

The short text of a distribution view describes the communication relationships entered in the model view and it is displayed in the distribution model maintenance.

Technical name

<Distribution model technical name > 

Example: B1ICSALES

The technical name of the distribution model is unique.

Start date

The creation date is the default value.

This is the start date of the validity period. Change the default value only, if you want the validity period to start later.

End date

The default value is 31.12.9999.

This is the last day of the validity period.

  1. To add message types to the distribution model, in the Distribution Model Changed window, select your previously created distribution model and choose Add message type.
  2. In the Add message type window, enter the following:

Field Name

Field Value


Model view

The system displays the <Name of your distribution model> by default.

This is the technical name of the model view for which you create the message flow. It is the technical name of your distribution model view; do not change it.


<Logical system name for the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server>


<SAP ECC logical system name>

Message type


  1. Choose Enter and repeat the steps above to add the following message types to your distribution model:



Message Type


<SAP ECC  logical system name>

<Logical system name for the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server>


This is the order update outbound message from SAP ECC  (sales order) to SAP Business One (purchase order).

<SAP ECC  logical system name>

<Logical system name for the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server>


This is the shipping notification outbound message from SAP ECC  (delivery) to SAP Business One (draft GR or GR).

<SAP ECC  logical system name>

<Logical system name for the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server>


This is the invoice outbound message from SAP ECC  (A/R invoice) to SAP Business One (A/P invoice).

  1. Save the distribution model.


Define data filters for the DESADV, INVOIC and ORDRSP message types, and group them according to the customer number representing your subsidiary. To do this, under your message type, double-click No filter set and Create filter group. Define your customer or vendor number.

Next Step: Generating Partner Profiles in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub