Setting Up and Activating the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub in SAP ECC

Setting Up and Activating the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub in SAP ECC

You use the setup functions for scenarios to configure your intercompany purchasing scenario. To set up the scenario, do the following:

    1. Select the scenario steps
    2. Select the systems (sender and receiver)
    3. Set filter definitions
    4. Set local properties
    5. Set value mapping definitions as far as they are not yet set by the performing of the Customizing Data Management

You can use either the existing integration framework functions or the setup wizard (). The description below uses the setup wizard.


  1. To start SAP Integration Framework 2.0, choose Start  All Programs  Integration Framework for SAP Business One  Integration Framework.
  2. To log on, in the B1i Administrative Login user interface, enter the user name and password.
  3. To set up your scenario, choose Scenarios  Setup.
  4. In the Scenario Package Identifier field, select the OE.HUB.IC.Purchasing scenario package and choose Activate checkbox

    1. OE.HUB.B1PO2S4SO (SAP Business One purchase order to SAP ECC sales order)
    2. OE.HUB.S4SO2B1PO (SAP ECC sales order to SAP Business One purchase order update)
    3. OE.HUB.S4DN2B1DN (SAP ECC delivery to SAP Business One goods receipt)
    4. OE.HUB.S4IN2B1IN (SAP ECC invoice to SAP Business One invoice )
  1. As far as the Senders and in the Receivers are not defined in the header-line, select the scenario and assign all SAP Business One subsidiary systems and the headquarters system and choose Next.

All subsidiary systems and the headquarters system are senders and receivers in this scenario.

  1. In the Filter Definition step, the integration framework displays all active scenario steps for all selected sender and receiver systems.
    1. In the Sender Filters section, define filter criteria that are the same for all receiver systems.
    2. In the Sender Receiver Filters section, define filter criteria that are different for receiver systems.
    3. By default, all combinations are selected with the checkbox in front of each row. Do not deselect any combination, even if you do not define any filters for the combination. If you deselect any combination, the integration framework filters everything.
    4. For the OE.HUB.B1PO2S4SO scenario step, in the Sender Receiver Filters section, for each subsidiary, define the following:



Filter Name

Filter Value




Vendor Number

Vendor number maintained in SAP Business One

This is the vendor in SAP Business One that represents the headquarters.

Create the SAP Business One purchase order for this vendor.

This vendor number is maintained for your receiving SAP ECC SysID as the headquarters vendor number.



PO Task Filter


The scenario considers only new purchase orders.


Set the filter in the Sender Filters section, it is independent of any receivers.

  1. For the OE.HUB.S4SO2B1PO scenario step, in the Sender Receiver Filters section, for each subsidiary, define the following:



Filter Name

Filter Value




Order Response Customer Number

Customer number in headquarters SAP ECC

This customer has been created in SAP ECC. It represents the subsidiary.

This customer number is maintained for the receiving SAP Business One SysID as the subsidiary customer number.

The sales order in SAP ECC is created for this customer number.

  1. For the OE.HUB.S4DN2B1DN scenario step, in the Sender Receiver Filters section, for each subsidiary ,define the following:



Filter Name

Filter Value




Delivery Customer Number

Customer number in SAP ECC

This customer has been created in SAP ECC. It represents the subsidiary.

This customer number is maintained for the receiving SAP Business One SysID as the subsidiary customer number.

The sales order in the headquarters SAP ECC is created for this customer number.



PO Type

INT for sales from local stock

EXT for sales from central stock

This is optional. 

  1. For the OE.HUB.S4IN2B1IN scenario step, in the Sender Receiver Filters section, for each subsidiary, define the following:



Filter Name

Filter Value




Invoice Customer Number

Customer number in SAP ECC

This customer has been created in SAP ECC. It represents the subsidiary.

This customer number is maintained for the receiving SAP Business One SysID as the subsidiary customer number.

The sales order in the headquarters SAP ECC is created for this customer number.

  1. To define filter values for the fields above, enter the following:

Field Name

Field Value



To select a filter, click the  (ellipsis) button.


Equal to, Not equal to, Greater than, Less than, Between, Not between, Greater than or equal to, Less than or equal to, Contains, Equal to blank, Is not blank

Filter from


If you have selected an operand, you must enter a value.

Filter to 


You can enter only a value, if the operand is Between or Not Between.

  1. Save your filter settings.
  2. The scenario does not use global properties, choose Next and in the Local Properties step, define values for local properties.
  1. For the OE.HUB.B1PO2S4SO scenario step, define the following for each subsidiary:




Property Value




IC_Sales Organization

<SAP ECC sales organization key >

This value is mandatory. It is the automatic default for the sales order created in SAP ECC. The sales order is created for this sales organization.

Other than the sales organization in the subsidiary SysID properties, this value specifies the SAP ECC sales organization that sells to subsidiaries.



IC_Distribution Channel

<SAP ECC distribution channel key>

This value is mandatory. 

This value is the automatic default for the sales order created in SAP ECC. The sales order is created for this distribution channel.

Other than the distribution channel in the subsidiary SysID properties, this value specifies the SAP ECC distribution channel that sells to subsidiaries.




<SAP ECC division key>

This value is mandatory. It is the automatic default for the sales order created in SAP ECC. The sales order is created for this division.

Other than the division in the subsidiary SysID properties, this value specifies the SAP ECC division that sells to subsidiaries.




<SAP ECC order type key>

For example: or

This value is mandatory. It is the automatic default for the sales order created in SAP ECC. The sales order is created with this order type.

The sales order in SAP ECC is created with this order type to sell products to subsidiaries.




<SAP ECC partner key >

Example: ZH

Partner function you have created for the “placeholder” customer. This record is used in SAP ECC sales orders to keep the ship-to address of the SAP Business One end-customer.

This is only relevant for the sales from central stock variant.




<SAP ECC text ID key>

For example: 0002

This is a four-digit key for SAP ECC text, available in the sales order header. Text for the sales order is created in the SAP ECC order for this text ID.

The text ID must be available in SAP ECC for the VBBK text object.

  1. For the OE.HUB.S4SO2B1PO scenario step, define the following for each subsidiary:




Property Value





<SAP ECC text ID key>

This is a four-digit key for SAP ECC text, available in the sales order header. Text for the sales order is created in the SAP ECC order for this text ID.

The text ID must be available in SAP ECC for the VBBK text object.

  1. Save your settings and choose Next.
  1. In the Value Mapping step, define values for all available mappings and for all system combinations; choose Next.

To create a value mapping, choose New.

  1. In the Mapping Definitions section, to select the sender system, choose the  (ellipsis) button.
  2. To select a receiver system, choose the second the  (ellipsis) button.
  3. To define mapping values, choose the Modify button.

The Value Mapping Table opens.

  1. To add a value pair, choose the Add button.
  2. In the first field, enter the value for the sender system. 
  3. In the second field, enter the value for the receiver system.
  4. Save your settings and close the window.

The following value mapping are available from SAP Business One to SAP ECC:

    1. CURCY Currency Code (B1->ECC)
    2. REGIO Address Extension Region (B1->ECC)
    3. VSART Shipping Type (B1->ECC)

The following value mapping are available from SAP ECC to SAP Business One and should be available after execution of Customizing Data Management. 

    1. Currency on Item Line Level (ECC->B1)
    2. DocCurrency Currency Code (ECC->B1)
    3. Hight1Unit Height Unit of Measure (ECC->B1)
    4. Lengh1Unit Length Unit of Measure (ECC->B1)
    5. MeasureUnit Unit of Measure (ECC->B1)
    6. PaymentGroupCode Payment Terms (ECC->B1)
    7. TransportationCode Shipping Type (ECC->B1)
    8. VolumeUnit Volume Unit of Measure (ECC->B1)
    9. Weight1Unit Weight Unit of Measure (ECC->B1)

The following mappings are the same, but for the direction:

    1. CURCY Currency Code and DocCurrency Currency Code
    2. VSART Shipping Type and TransportationCode Shipping Type
  1. To activate the scenario, choose the Activate button.