Setting Up the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC

Setting Up the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC

You use the setup functions for scenarios to configure your intercompany purchasing scenario. 

To set up the scenario, do the following:

    1. Select the scenario package
    2. Select the scenario
    3. Select the scenario step.
    4. Select the sender systems.
    5. Select the receiver systems.

You can use either the existing integration framework functions or the setup wizard (). The description below uses the setup wizard.


Business Partner
  1. To start SAP Integration Framework 2.0, choose Start  All Programs  Integration Framework for SAP Business One  Integration Framework.
  2. To log on, in the B1i Administrative Login user interface, enter the user name and password.
  3. To setup your scenario, choose Maintenance  Deployment Panel  Scenario Package  OE.HUB.SubsidiaryIntegration  
  4. Choose the icon <Add Deployment> in the deployment screen.
  5. Enter a name for the deployment.
  6. The package contains two scenarios:



  1. Choose the icon <Deployment specific Properties> and set the following properties:

Field Name

Field Value



<Distribution channel from ECC system>

This is a two-digit code.

It structures the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.

For distribution channel values or entries, see the distribution channel in the headquarters SAP ECC system.

When you enter the distribution channel representing your subsidiary in your network, financial accounting-specific data is selected from the SAP ECC message accordingly.


<Distribution channel from ECC system>

This is a two-digit code.

It structures the business organization from a financial accounting perspective.

For distribution channel values or entries, see the distribution channel in the headquarters SAP ECC system.

When you enter the distribution channel representing your subsidiary in your network, financial accounting-specific data is selected from the SAP ECC message accordingly.


< Sales organization from ECC system>

This is a two-digit code.

It structures the business organization from a logistical perspective.

For sales organization values or entries, see the distribution channel in the headquarters SAP ECC system.

When you enter the sales organization representing your subsidiary in your network, logistical-specific data is selected from the SAP ECC message accordingly.


<Item  Group from ECC system>


Defines in SAP ECC the management of the Item and Item line in the Order


<Order type from ECC system>


Defines in SAP ECC the process and management of the order


<Partner role  from ECC system>


Defines the Partner Role of the subsystem in the SAP ECC


<Purchase order Text ID from ECC system>


Standard Text ID in SAP ECC for purchase orders


<Text ID from ECC system>


This is a four-digit key for the SAP ECC system text. It is available in general data.

The system transfers the SAP ECC business partner: customer texts general data segments to the SAP Business One Business Partner: Customer field.

Create the text ID for the KNA1 text object.

Next Step: Customizing Data Management (Value mapping between SAP ECC and SAP Business One) in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution