The value of the "Trusted Host" checkbox in Email Connectivity screen is not saved.
You are using Walldorf Intercompany version 45.
1. Go to Intercompany Administration Console
2. Go To Setup and then E-mail Connectivity
3. Select the checkbox "Trusted Host".
The value of the Trusted Host checkbox in E-Mail connectivity remains the same after deploying the intercompany solution
The value of the Trusted Host checkbox in Email Connectivity is not getting saved
Please follow the below steps to apply the attached (count 2) hotfix files:
Step 1:
Following are the steps to import the "" file in the Integration Server:
1. Login into the B1iP Control Center.
2. Navigate to MAINTENANCE --> BizStore Export and in the Dataset field, select "com.cxs.b1i.ipo" from the list, click on the Submit button, and save the zip file.
3. From the left menu, click BizStore Import.
4. In Import content to the BizStore in Selection criteria, Choose archive. Click on the Browse button.
5. Select the file path for the downloaded file "".
6. Click on the Submit button. A caution message will appear. Click on the OK button.
7. SAP B1iP Control Center shows the Import Status.
8. Click on the close button to close the Control Center.
Please follow the below instructions to apply the "":
1. Take the backup of the scenario package:
i. Login into Integration Framework 2.0
ii. From the top menu bar, click Scenarios.
iii. From the left menu, right-click on Packages and Open Package.
iv. Select CXS.IC the package and click Open.
v. Right-click on CXS.IC package and Actions, then click "Export Package".
2. The following are the steps to import the "" file in Integration Server:
i. Login into Integration Framework 2.0.
ii. From the top menu bar, click "Maintenance".
iii. From the left menu, click "ZIP Import".
iv. In Import content to the ZIP import in Selection criteria, Choose archive. Click on "Choose File".
v. Select the file path for the downloaded file "".
vi. Click on the "Submit" button. A caution message will appear. Click on the "OK" button.
vii. Integration Framework 2.0 shows the Import Status.
The issue described above will be fixed in the Intercompany integration solutions version 50 and higher versions.