SAP ECC subsidiaries integration with SAP Business One
Setting Up and Activating the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub in SAP ECC
You use the setup functions for scenarios to configure your intercompany purchasing scenario. To set up the scenario, do the following: Select the scenario steps Select the systems (sender and receiver) Set filter definitions Set local properties Set ...
Appendix - Sample flow process for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
Deployment Panel Master Data Flow Master Data Flow describes, Product and Customer distributes product and customer master data that are centrally available in SAP ECC. This master data flow provides consistent master data to your integrated SAP ...
SAP ECC Integration with SAP Business One
The integration package for integration with SAP ECC provides you with sample integration content and is addressing partners to rapidly build up their demo and development system. The sample integration content must not be applied as-is into the ...
Intercompany Purchasing (Sales from Central Stock and Sales from Local Stock) in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
Intercompany Purchasing (Sales from Central Stock) This scenario packages covers two different subsidiary processes, the drop-shipment and the replenishment business scenario. Intercompany Purchasing –(sap.ICPurchasing) Sales from Central Stock ...
Customizing Data Management for Intercompany Purchasing in SAP Integration Framework 2 0 in SAP ECC
We assume that the default values in the table below already exist in SAP ECC and SAP Business One. Following entries should be there at minimum: SAP ECC Customizing Table SAP ECC Values SAP Integration Framework 2.0 Value Mapping Table SAP Business ...
Setting the System Type-Specific Property for the Headquarters SAP ECC in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Intercompany Purchasing
Enter the vendor number of your headquarters SAP ECC in the SysID-specific properties of the headquarters SLD entry. The vendor number identifies SAP ECC as the vendor for the subsidiary in the intercompany purchasing scenario. Procedure To start SAP ...
Creating System ID-Specific Properties for Subsidiary SAP Business One Systems in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Intercompany Purchasing in SAP ECC
Maintain SysID-specific properties for each subsidiary in the system landscape. System ID-specific properties are available per system type. When you create a system landscape entry, this entry gets a unique system ID (SysID). You can maintain fixed ...
Assigning the Customer Master Record to a Subsidiary Customer Master Record in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Assign the “placeholder” customer record to the customer master records you have created for your subsidiary. This enables the subsidiary customer to store the SAP Business One end customer ship-to address, in addition to the already available ...
Creating a Customer Master Record for the SAP Business One End Customer Ship-to Address in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Create a customer master record to store the SAP Business One end customer ship-to address in the SAP ECC sales order processing. This customer record contains the currently transferred ship-to address in sales order processing. Therefore, the ...
Assigning Partner Functions to Partner Procedures – Customer in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Assign partner functions to partner procedures. Partner procedures specify the allowed partner functions for a business transaction, for example, processing a customer master record. They also specify mandatory partner functions. Assign your ...
Assigning Partner Functions to Partner Procedures – Delivery in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Assign the allowed partner functions for a business transaction to the partner procedure, assigned to the relevant business document. Also define which of the partner functions are mandatory in the process. Assign your previously created partner ...
Assigning Partner Functions to Partner Procedures – Sales Document Header in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Assign the allowed partner functions for a business transaction to the partner procedure that is assigned to the relevant business document. Also define which of the partner functions are mandatory in the process. Assign your previously created ...
Assigning Partner Functions to the Account Group in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Define partner functions for the customer account group. The account group is a classifying feature in customer master records. It determines the number range of a customer account number, whether the user or the system assigns the number, and which ...
Defining Partner Functions in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
To enter and process the SAP Business One end customer ship-to address in the SAP ECC sales order processing, create a partner function. This partner function also supports distinguishing between the different delivery addresses, for the subsidiaries ...
Defining Purchase Order Types in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Order types indicate how a customer transmits an order. When processing a sales document, SAP Integration Framework 2.0 enters the purchase order type into the item level of the sales order. You use the purchase order type to distinguish between the ...
Creating an Output Condition Record for Invoices in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
The Output Determination component configures output functions for sending sales orders, deliveries, and billing documents to the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server using Application Link Enabling (ALE). Create the output condition record for your ...
Creating an Output Condition Record for Deliveries in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
The Output Determination component configures output functions for sending sales orders, deliveries, and billing documents to the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server using Application Link Enabling (ALE). Create the output condition record for your ...
Creating an Output Condition Record for Sales Documents in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
The Output Determination component configures output functions for sending sales orders, deliveries, and billing documents to the SAP Integration Framework 2.0 server using Application Link Enabling (ALE). Create the output condition record for your ...
Changing Partner Profiles in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
For ALE communication, you define partners with inbound or outbound parameters in partner profiles. If any partner values are not applicable to the scenario, change them manually. Prerequisites You have generated the partner profile for the ...
Generating Partner Profiles in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Define the partner profiles for all outbound and inbound messages based on the information in the distribution model. Generate the partner profiles based on the information you have already maintained in your relevant distribution model. ...
Maintaining the Distribution Model in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
When you model the message flow, you specify the applications that communicate with each other in an ALE business process. A message flow defines the sending and receiving systems and the message type. Sending and receiving systems are logical ...
Creating Output Determinations for Billing Documents in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Define the output determinations for invoice document processing based one the previously created output types. Prerequisites You have created the output type for sending invoices to a subsidiary. Procedure Choose Sales and Distribution → Basic ...
Creating Output Determinations for Outbound Deliveries in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Define the output determinations in the outbound delivery process for the previously created output types. Prerequisites You have created the output type for sending shipping notifications to a subsidiary. Procedure From the IMG menu, ...
Creating Output Determinations for Sales Documents in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Define the output determinations for sales order processing based on the previously created output types. Prerequisites You have created the output type for sending order confirmations to the subsidiary. Procedure From the IMG menu, choose Sales and ...
Creating Output Types for Billing Documents in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Procedure From the IMG menu, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Output Control → Output Determination → Output Determination Using Condition Technique → Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents → Maintain Output Types. ...
Creating Output Types for Outbound Deliveries in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Procedure From the IMG menu, choose Logistics Execution → Shipping → Basic Shipping Functions → Output Control → Output Determination → Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries → Maintain Output Types. Alternatively, call the V/34 ...
Creating Output Types for Sales Documents in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
Procedure From the IMG menu, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Output Control → Output Determination → Output Determination Using Condition Technique → Maintain Output Determination for Sales Documents → Maintain Output Types. ...
Configuration in SAP ECC for Intercompany Purchasing in Integration Hub
The setup and configuration in SAP ECC consist of the following steps: Creating output types for sales documents, outbound deliveries, and billing documents Creating output determinations for sales documents, outbound deliveries, and billing ...
Prerequisites for Intercompany Purchasing in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
You have set-up the system landscape and you have tested the technical connections between the systems. For more information about setting up your technical system landscape, refer the Setting Up the System Landscape for SAP ECC Knowledge article. ...
Sales from Central Stock in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
In the sales from central stock (drop-shipment) scenario variant, the subsidiary orders products from the headquarters related to a customer sales order. The headquarters distributes the products from the central warehouse directly to the end ...
Sales from Local Stock in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
In the sales from local stock (replenishment order) scenario variant, the subsidiary keeps its own stock in its local warehouse. This stock is part of the subsidiary assets. The subsidiary sells headquarters products from its local stock. The ...
Intercompany Purchasing Scenario Description in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
The Intercompany Purchasing (OE.HUB.IC.Purchasing) scenario is intended for large enterprises running SAP ECC with several sales and distribution subsidiaries or branches in different locations or countries running SAP Business One. The scenario ...
Additional Information for Value Mapping for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
Business Partner SAP ECC Customizing Table Values SAP Integration Framework 2.0 Value Mapping Table SAP Business One Value Table Default Values T151 Customers: Customer Groups 01 Industry 02 Retail GroupCode OCRG ...
Additional Field Mapping in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC
Mappings for Business Partner 1. CreditCardCode 2. DefaultAccount (optional) Use it to map the bank account number. 3. DefaultBankCode (optional) Use it to map the bank code. 4. DefaultBranch ...
SLD System Assignment in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC
Expand the scenario OE.HUB.MasterData to open associated scenario steps. There will appear 4 scenario steps: OE.HUB.S4BP2B1BP.Main (Receiver of the IDoc) , OE.HUB.S4BP2B1BP.RCV (B1 Outbound), OE.HUB.S4PR2B1IT.Main (Receiver of the IDoc), ...
Customizing Data Management (Value mapping between SAP ECC and SAP Business One) in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution
Choose <Scenario Package Configuration> in the top line of the deployment panel. A new screen Customizing Data Management will pop up. Choose <Set Language> to define the language of the subsidiary. Only SAP ECC data in this language will be shown in ...
Setting Up the Scenario Package in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC
You use the setup functions for scenarios to configure your intercompany purchasing scenario. To set up the scenario, do the following: Select the scenario package Select the scenario Select the scenario step. Select the sender systems. Select the ...
Setting System Type-Specific Properties for the Headquarters SAP ECC in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution
Prerequisites You have set up the system landscape with all sender and receiver systems in SAP ECC and in SAP Integration Framework 2.0. For more information about setting up your technical system landscape, refer the Setting Up the System Landscape ...
Setting System Type-Specific Properties for the Subsidiary SAP Business One System(s) in SAP Integration Framework 2.0 for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC
Maintain SysID-specific properties for each subsidiary in the system landscape. System ID-specific properties are available per system type. When you create a system landscape entry, this entry gets a unique system ID (SysID). You can maintain fixed ...
Scheduling Jobs for Master Data Distribution in SAP ECC in Integration Hub
This section describes how to schedule jobs for the periodic creation of intermediate documents (IDocs) for master data. You schedule the jobs for each defined variant, hence, for each message type. For example, if you want to distribute customer ...
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