Branch Accounts Setup of Intercompany Solution

Branch Accounts Setup of Intercompany Solution

The Branch Accounts Setup window enables you to define Due From and Due To accounts for branch companies other than the one to which you are logged on. You must choose accounts that are defined as All Currencies accounts in the Chart of Accounts.


    1. This setup must be performed in all branch companies.
    2. This setup is used by the G/L allocation, A/P service invoice allocation, A/R service invoice allocation and centralized payment features.

To display the Branch Accounts Setup window, in the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration  Setup  Intercompany  Branch Accounts Setup.

Branch Accounts Setup Window



Branch Code

Displays the branch code (this field is inactive). Branch codes for all participating branch companies are pre-populated in this window. 

Due From Account

Define a default receivables account for branch companies to be used in the following scenarios:

    1. When posting G/L allocations to an account that is being credited, the due from account is debited. This entry is created in the sender system.
    2. When posting G/L allocations to an account that is being debited, a reciprocal journal voucher that debits the due from account and credits the default income account is created in the receiver system.
    3. When a company receives a payment delegation, the Vendor account is credited and the due from account is debited.
    4. When posting allocations from A/P service invoice, the due from account is debited and the account on the invoice line is credited. This entry is created in the sender system.

Press TAB to display a list of G/L accounts, and choose the relevant account. 

Due From Account Name

Displays the name of the chosen due from account.

Due To Account

Define a default payables account for branch companies to be used in the following scenarios:

    1. When posting G/L allocations to an account that is being debited, the due to account is credited. This entry is created in the sender system.
    2. When posting G/L allocations to an account that is being credited, a reciprocal journal voucher that credits the due to account and debits the default expense account is created in the receiver system.
    3. When delegating a payment line to the delegation company, the vendor account is debited and the due to account is credited.
    4. When posting allocations from an A/P service invoice, a reciprocal journal voucher that credits the due to account and debits the default expense account is created in the receiver system.

Press TAB to display a list of G/L accounts and choose the relevant account. 

Due To Account Name

Displays the name of the chosen due to account.

Branch Account Code Generator

Choosing this button will display the branch account code generator window.Using branch account code generator window, user can automatically generate the branch G/L account code i.e. due from and due to accounts.

For more details, refer to the Branch Account Code Generator knowledge article.


The solution allows user to define the same G/L account code in due from an account and due to account.

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