Fails to replicate the “SEPA Seq. Type” field in Business Partner Bank across participating companies.
Reproducing the issue
You are using Intercompany Integration Solution PL50.
Fails to replicate the “SEPA Seq. Type” field in Business Partner Bank across participating companies if the user selects SEPA Seq. values in Business Partner Bank Accounts - Setup.
Expected Result:
The SEPA Seq. Type in Business Partner Bank is successfully replicated in participating companies.
Actual Result:
Fails to replicate SEPA Seq. Type in Business Partner Bank in SEPA-relevant localizations.
The attached zip files (count 1) are to be imported via ZIP Import of Integration Framework 2.0 for SAP Business One.
1. Take the backup of Integration Framework 2.0 -->Scenarios --> CXS.IC package.
2. The following are the steps to import the attached zip file in the Integration Server:
i. Login into Integration Framework 2.0.
ii. Go to Maintenance -->ZIP Import.
iii. In the Importing Content to BizStore, In the selection criteria. In the Choose Archive, select the Choose File button.
iv. Select the package file "".
v. Select
the checkbox Assume File System-Friendly Naming and then Submit.
The issue described above will be fixed in the Intercompany integration solution PL51 for SAP Business One, and higher versions.