WDF 2520001 - Overview Note for Intercompany integration solution Version 52 for SAP Business One

WDF 2520001 - Overview Note for Intercompany integration solution Version 52 for SAP Business One

This WDF Note contains information related to Walldorf Intercompany integration solution Version 52 as well as its embedded SAP Business One Integration Hub.

Version Installation:
This version can be used to directly upgrade, update, or install from scratch.

Compatible SAP Business One versions (only these combinations of versions are approved and supported):
SAP Business One 9.3 PL14
SAP Business One 9.3 PL14, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2208 HF2
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2208 HF2, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2305 HF1
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2305 HF1, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2308 HF1
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2308HF1, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2311 HF1
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2311 HF1, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2402
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2402, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2402 HF1
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2402 HF1, version for SAP HANA
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2405
SAP Business One 10.0 FP2405, version for SAP HANA

Attention: After installation, the Intercompany menu entries are not directly visible. The menu entries are only displayed after deploying the solution/landscape.

Additional important Notes on Version 52:

1. Fixes from SAP Note 2969518 are required to be implemented before deployment of Intercompany Solution or Integration Hub templates if you are using SAP Business One 9.3 PL14.

Version Content:

This version includes all corrections and enhancements from the previous versions of Intercompany Integration Solution and the Integration hub template as listed chronologically in the associated info file.

New Feature Enhancements:

Intercompany Solution:

1. SAP Business One Service Layer supports for 1 additional Item master data replication
SAP Business One Service Layer is a new generation of extension API for consuming SAP Business One data and services. It builds on core protocols such as HTTP and OData and provides a uniform way to expose full-featured business objects on top of a highly scalable and high-availability Web server.

The Intercompany solution provides service layer support for the following 1 Item related master in version 52 in addition to 19 masters supported in previous versions:
  1. Order Interval
2. The information from the Ref.1, Ref.2, and Ref.3 columns at the line level of the Journal Entry is being integrated into the consolidation company
The information from the Ref.1, Ref.2, and Ref.3 columns at the line level of the Journal Entry is being integrated from branch companies to the consolidation company. This enhancement ensures that all relevant reference information is accurately captured and unified within the consolidation company, providing a clear and comprehensive view of the financial data across all branches.

3. The "Delete Keymapping" function is available for removing existing corrupt key mapping data
The "Delete Keymapping" function has been introduced to facilitate the removal of existing corrupt key mapping data from the intercompany landscape database. This feature allows users to efficiently manage their key mappings by selectively deleting mappings that are no longer needed or are causing operational issues. Using this function, users can ensure that their key mapping configurations are kept accurate and up to date, optimizing system performance and enhancing overall efficiency.

4. The "Delete Error Logs" button is available to remove error logs from the Addon Error log table
The "Delete Error Logs" button is available to remove error logs from the Addon Error log table. After completing the required settings or configurations, the user must restart the intercompany addon to ensure the changes take effect. This process helps maintain a clean log and ensures the smooth operation of the solution. 

Integration Hub:

1. Support for the User Defined Fields (UDFs) integration in Salesforce connector
The Salesforce connector now supports the integration of User Defined Fields (UDFs) between the Salesforce and SAP Business One applications. This functionality allows users to map and synchronize custom fields between both applications, ensuring that all relevant data is accurately and seamlessly shared. 

The Salesforce connector supports the integration of User Defined Fields (UDFs) on the following masters:
1. Customer
  1. Business Partners Header
  2. Business Partners Addresses
2. Lead
  1. Business Partners Header
  2. Business Partners Addresses
3. Contact Persons
  1. Contact Persons Header
4. Items
  1. Items Header
2. UPS Connector supports the authentication OAuth 2.0 security model
The UPS Connector is equipped with robust support for the OAuth 2.0 security model, ensuring secure and reliable authentication processes. OAuth 2.0 enhances security by enabling delegated access without exposing credentials, thereby safeguarding sensitive information during interactions between systems.

By integrating OAuth 2.0, the UPS Connector ensures compliance with modern security standards while providing seamless connectivity and data exchange capabilities for users and businesses alike.

3. The customer's phone is integrated from the Shopify sales order to the SAP Business One sales order
The Shopify Connector for SAP Business One now includes an enhanced feature that integrates customer phone numbers from Shopify sales orders directly into SAP Business One sales orders. This enhancement ensures that customer contact information is accurately captured and readily available within SAP Business One, improving communication and streamlining order processing. 

Bug Fixes:
Intercompany Solution:
1. The intercompany deployment process gets stuck at the last step and never completes
2. The sales quotation document is not being linked to the sales order in the document exchange cycle
3. Unable to select the "Payment Methods" object in the company template
4. The System Health Check tool for troubleshooting doesn't display the correct status for the few steps
5. The Renewal Notification is displayed for the canceled subscriptions
6. The "Document name not found" error occurs in the Monitor Consolidation report if the consolidation company is not defined
7. All the SAP B1 users are not displayed in the User Allocation
8. Fails to replicate the intercompany draft A/P Invoice in the HANA environment
9. Syntax error or access violation error occurs while replicating the A/R down payment invoice to the A/P down payment invoice
10. Unable to create a non-intercompany A/R Down Payment Request based on the sales order
11. Fails to consolidate the Journal entries to the consolidation company
12. Fails to add the A/R credit memo or A/P credit memo document in the sender company
13. Document total mismatch warning message displays while adding the A/R credit memo or A/P credit memo document in the sender company
14. Unable to create the Non-intercompany A/R invoice based on the sales order
15.  Fails to replicate the "SignatureDate" and "MandateExpDate" fields in Business Partner Bank
16. The Delete Log button in the intercompany message log fails to delete the failure or success message logs

Integration Hub:
1. The "Invalid number" error occurs while syncing the inventory from SAP Business One to Shopify
2. The "Session expired or invalid" error occurs while initializing the items from SAP to Salesforce
3. The "Cross Reference Code" is not being updated in the Item Master Data while syncing from Salesforce to SAP
4. The "Initialize" button in Salesforce settings is being disabled even if initialization steps are in progress
5. The Sales Quotation is not syncing from Salesforce to SAP Business One
6. The "Invalid field name" error occurs while opening the A/R Credit Memo using the Refund button in the Delivery for the Magento connector
7. "Not a valid string" error occurs while initializing items from SAP to Salesforce
8. The "Cross Reference Code" is not being updated in the BP Master Data while syncing from Salesforce to SAP
9. The Outgoing Payment for the refund process is not being synced from Shopify to SAP Business One
10. "Page is not of type integer" error occurs during initialization if the scenario "WooCommerce to SAP B1" for the product is not selected

For more information about the corrections contained in this specific version, see the WDF Notes listed in the References section.

Product or Product Version

This document refers to :
WDF 2000005 - Unable to upgrade the SAP Intercompany between PL27 and PL34 to Walldorf Intercompany on SAP HANA
WDF 1844555 - Troubleshooting Intercompany Integration Solution for SAP Business One
WDF 2000011 - Known SAP performance issue in new intercompany installation while executing addon script with SAP 10.0 FP2308 on MS SQL

This document is referenced by:
WDF 2520002 - Support for the User Defined Fields (UDFs) integration in Salesforce connector
WDF 2520003 - SAP Business One Service Layer supports for 1 additional Item master data replication
WDF 2520004 - UPS Connector supports the authentication OAuth 2.0 security model
WDF 2520005 - The customer's phone is integrated from the Shopify sales order to the SAP Business One sales order
WDF 2520006 - The information from the Ref.1, Ref.2, and Ref.3 columns at the line level of the Journal Entry is being integrated into the consolidation company
WDF 2520007 - The "Delete Keymapping" function is available for removing existing corrupt key mapping data
WDF 2520008 - The "Delete Error Logs" button is available to remove error logs from the Addon Error log table
WDF 2520009 - The intercompany deployment process gets stuck at the last step and never completes
WDF 2520010 - The "Invalid number" error occurs while syncing the inventory from SAP Business One to Shopify
WDF 2520011 - The "Session expired or invalid" error occurs while initializing the items from SAP to Salesforce
WDF 2520012 - The "Cross Reference Code" is not being updated in the Item Master Data while syncing from Salesforce to SAP
WDF 2520013 - The "Initialize" button in Salesforce settings is being disabled even if initialization steps are in progress
WDF 2520014 - The Sales Quotation is not syncing from Salesforce to SAP Business One
WDF 2520015 - The "Invalid field name" error occurs while opening the A/R Credit Memo using the Refund button in the Delivery for the Magento connector
WDF 2520016 - The sales quotation document is not being linked to the sales order in the document exchange cycle
WDF 2520017 - Unable to select the "Payment Methods" object in the company template
WDF 2520018 - "Not a valid string" error occurs while initializing items from SAP to Salesforce
WDF 2520019 - The "Cross Reference Code" is not being updated in the BP Master Data while syncing from Salesforce to SAP
WDF 2520020 - The Outgoing Payment for the refund process is not being synced from Shopify to SAP Business One
WDF 2520021 - The System Health Check tool for troubleshooting doesn't display the correct status for the few steps
WDF 2520022 - The Renewal Notification is displayed for the canceled subscriptions
WDF 2520023 - The "Document name not found" error occurs in the Monitor Consolidation report if the consolidation company is not defined
WDF 2520024 - All the SAP B1 users are not displayed in the User Allocation
WDF 2520026 - Unable to update the A/R invoice document if the intercompany add-on is connected
WDF 2510014 - Fails to replicate the intercompany draft A/P Invoice in the HANA environment
WDF 2510015 - Syntax error or access violation error occurs while replicating the A/R down payment invoice to the A/P down payment invoice
WDF 2510016 - Unable to create a non-intercompany A/R Down Payment Request based on the sales order
WDF 2510017 - Fails to consolidate the Journal entries to the consolidation company
WDF 2510018 - Fails to add the A/R credit memo or A/P credit memo document in the sender company
WDF 2510019 - Document total mismatch warning message displays while adding the A/R credit memo or A/P credit memo document in the sender company
WDF 2510020 - Unable to create the Non-intercompany A/R invoice based on the sales order
WDF 2500027 - "Page is not of type integer" error occurs during initialization in WooCommerce connector
WDF 2500028 - Fails to replicate the "SignatureDate" and "MandateExpDate" fields in Business Partner Bank
WDF 2500029 - The Delete Log button in the intercompany message log fails to delete the failure or success message logs